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Long term results of botulinum toxin type A (Dysport) in the treatment of hemifacial spasm: a report of 175 cases

机译:A型肉毒杆菌毒素(Dysport)在长期的结果 面肌痉挛的治疗(附175例报告)



OBJECTIVE— To describe the long term efficacy andside effects of the treatment of hemifacial spasm with Dysport and toevaluate two different sites of injection to hopefully reduce side effects.
METHODS—This study was designed as a prospectivedescriptive study. Injections were made subcutaneously around the eye.Peak improvement was subjectively assessed by using a visual analoguescale and reported in percentages (0-100%). Duration of improvementwas assessed subjectively and reported in months.
RESULTS—Of 175 cases, 17 were lost to follow upand were excluded. 855 treatments were injected in the remaining 158 patients with a median of 4 treatments. The response rate was 97%. Of855 treatments, the adjusted mean peak and duration of improvement was77.2 (95% confidence interval (95%CI) 74.7-79.4)% and 3.4 (95%CI3.2-3.6) months respectively. In 158 patients (complete group), thelong term results from the first to the 12th treatment showed that themean peak improvement ranged from 72.70 to 80.10% and the duration ofimprovement was 2.60 to 3.71 months. It remained constant throughout(p=0.40, p=0.87 respectively). The most common side effect was ptosis.Of the 158 patients, 21 completed 12 treatments (subgroup). A separateanalysis of this group disclosed a mean peak and duration ofimprovement from the first to 12th treatments ranging from 70.00 to78.10% and 2.65 to 4.31 months respectively. Analysis of variance withrepeated measures showed no significant variation of peak and durationof improvement over the first to the 12th treatments (p=0.38, p=0.38respectively). Only 3% of the treatments were unsuccessful butresponded to subsequent treatments. The incidence of ptosis was reducedfrom 27.17% to 9.68% by moving the injection site to the lateral partof orbital orbicularis oculi without any loss of efficacy. The yearlycost of Dysport is considerably less than Botox.
CONCLUSION—This study is the first to show, indetail, the long term results of treatments of hemifacial spasm withDysport. The efficacy is constant throughout the first to 12thtreatments in both the complete group andsubgroup. Ptosis can be reduced by moving the injection site further upto the lateral part of the orbital orbicularis oculi. The efficacy ofDysport is comparable with Botox® in long term follow up.

机译:目的描述Dysport治疗面肌痉挛的长期疗效和副作用,并评估两个不同的注射部位,以期有望减少副作用。方法—该研究被设计为前瞻性描述性研究。皮下注射到眼睛周围。使用视觉模拟量表主观评估峰值的改善,并以百分比表示(0-100%)。主观评估改善的持续时间,并以月为单位报告。结果:在175例病例中,有17例失访,被排除在外。其余158位患者注射了855种疗法,中位值为4种疗法。回应率为97%。在855次治疗中,调整后的平均高峰和改善持续时间分别为77.2(95%置信区间(95%CI)74.7-79.4)%和3.4(95%CI3.2-3.6)月。 158例患者(完全治疗组)从第一次治疗到第12次治疗的长期结果显示,阿替坦的峰值改善范围为72.70%至80.10%,改善时间为2.60至3.71个月。它始终保持恒定(分别为p = 0.40,p = 0.87)。最常见的副作用是上睑下垂。在158例患者中,有21例完成了12种治疗(亚组)。该组的另一项分析显示,从第一个治疗到第十二个治疗的平均改善高峰和持续时间分别为70.00至78.10%和2.65至4.31个月。重复测量的方差分析显示,在第一个至第十二个治疗中,峰值和改善持续时间无显着变化(分别为p = 0.38,p = 0.38)。只有3%的治疗失败,但对随后的治疗有所反应。通过将注射部位移至眼眶眼球外侧部分,上睑下垂的发生率从27.17%降低至9.68%,而没有任何疗效下降。 Dysport的年成本大大低于肉毒杆菌毒素。结论—这项研究是第一个详细显示Dysport治疗偏瘫痉挛的长期结果的研究。在完整组和亚组中,在第一个至第十二个治疗过程中,疗效都是恒定的。可以通过将注射部位进一步移至眼眶眼的外侧部分来减少眼睑。在长期随访中,Dysport的功效与Botox®相当。



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